


Meeting Date:

August 12, 2024





David J. Stoldt,


Services & Supplies


General Manager

Line Item No.: 

Equipment Lease


Prepared By:

Nishil Bali

Cost Estimate: 

$29,424 (Five-year contract) plus taxes


General Counsel Review:  N/A

Committee Recommendation:  The Finance and Administration Committee reviewed this item on August 12, 2024 and recommended ____________.

CEQA Compliance:  This action does not constitute a project as defined by the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines Section 15378.


SUMMARY: The District currently leases three Canon photocopy machines through a lease program with Kyocera/KBA Docusys, Inc.  The current lease is set to mature in August 2024.  District staff would like to enter into a new lease program for three new photocopy machines. 


Staff proposes entering into a five-year lease for similar machines that the District currently uses, using a cooperative purchasing program through NASPO, which would result in savings of around $20,000 compared to the current lease contract. This price is also much lower than that quoted by another local provider. National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO) is a cooperative purchasing program for public agencies that leverages the expertise of all states and provides competitively sourced contracts. The California public contract code allows cooperative agreements and multi-state contracts where participating states may join to achieve cost-effective and efficient acquisition of products and services. Section 2.6.3 of the District’s purchasing policy allows the District to join other public jurisdictions in cooperative purchasing agreements or buy directly from a vendor at a price established by competitive bidding by other public jurisdiction or by a public cooperative purchasing program.


The District’s current Canon photocopy machines are used for day-to-day copy, scanning, and fax needs, and have been reliable. The District pays a monthly cost of $817.81 per month to lease three copiers under its current 5-year lease. By transitioning to a NASPO contract offered through Kyocera Document Solutions America, Inc., the District will pay $490.40 per month instead, for leasing the same three copiers, for a five-year lease total of $29,424 plus taxes. Staff solicited quotes from Ubeo Business Services (formerly Ray Morgan Company) for the same copiers and received a quote of $865.13 per month for a five-year lease. Leasing copiers with Kyocera through the NASPO program offers the District best value for its copying and scanning needs at a very competitive price.


RECOMMENDATION:  Staff recommends that the Finance and Administration Committee authorize leasing three photocopy machines using NASPO Value Point Master Agreement 140599 through Kyocera Document Solutions America, Inc. at $29,424 plus applicable taxes. 



3-A      Lease Contract with Kyocera Document Solutions America, Inc.